Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Maybe next time

Well thanks to a very horrible and untimely respiratory infection, plus a little bit of procrastination, I wasn't able to collect enough signatures by myself this time to get my name on the ballot.  I apologize for letting the voters down and not giving them a better choice for representation in Washington.

I may try to run again in 2014 if I get more support, but I would much rather see dozens of more qualified citizens get their names on the ballot instead me feeling like I have to do it because of a lack of morally upstanding alternatives.

I won't pass on any direct support for any other candidate, but I can say vote for anybody EXCEPT Pete Sessions, as he's simply an unethical idiot and at least somebody new hopefully won't be so entrenched in unethical behaviors yet.


  1. Eric,

    I appreciate your efforts to get Pete Sessions out of Congress. I'm attempting to do the same. If you'd like to keep up the efforts, I would encourage you to come join with my campaign.

    Seth Hollist for US Congress

  2. I can't support any party, as I feel every party, by their very nature, can not properly represent its constituents.

    However, don't do what Myers did 2 years ago and sit around hoping votes come to you. They won't. If you want to win in a district where over half the voters are Republican, you have GOT to at the very LEAST get your name in front of every single one. 200 yard signs are cheap, put at least one on every single corner in your district (I've driven them, there aren't that many) so people at least see your name. Spend every single free moment you have until November in places those people visit. Most of all, do everything you can to get the press, magazines like D, etc, to advertise for you.

    And if you have a handful of volunteers, get them doing something. Trying to get money is *not* the way you'll win, especially not against somebody who already has *millions*.

    And I know this is the whole pot calling the kettle black, but my website is pretty bad, and it still is better than yours. If you have any money, blow a few hundred on a decent web developer.

    And last, don't run just to run, run to win. If you want to be a congressman (unlike me, who did it only because I felt it my duty as an American) you have got to do more than accept 5% of the votes. If you don't have a presence of some form near every single election center, well, you'r doing it wrong.

    I wish you the best of luck, though it saddens me that you don't have a lot more competitors since around 100,000 people in district 32 are unhappy with the current congress, around 10,000 are unemployed, only a small handful are running, yet somehow Sessions will probably win again with over 50% unless something amazing happens.
